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December 2020


DIAN signs a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) for the new Project TILDE (Tidal Interplate Lithospheric Deformation of Earth) and on 15th of December 2020, took place the Kick Off Meeting. The project was submitted in response to the ESA call «An Innovative concept for the Risk Assessment of Geologic Hazard using GNSS and Solid Earth Tides Modelling». The outcome of this study will be of interest to reduce the vulnerability to Geologic Hazards with repercussion on Human, Livestock and

Infrastructure security, Risk Reduction and Response Coordination (preparation and deployment before and after the events).

The proposed study consists in the direct measurement and modelling of the Local Solid Earth Tides (LSET) effects using GNSS observation Series. Analysing the variability, amplitude and frequency of the tidal effects observed in the GNSS observations it is intended to characterize and model the crustal response in the location of the GNSS receiver stations. Later, in the cases where it can be feasible, the relation of these effects with seismic and volcanic events occurring close to the used GNSS receiver stations network will be analysed.

Infact we will study the correlation between LSET and geological events such as tectonic displacemnts, earthquakes and volcanic acticities, through use of GNSS.

So, the main objectives of this activity are:

  • Extraction and analysis of LSET effects from GNSS measurement series taking into account also ocean loading effects if relevant;
  • Definition of a solid tide correction strategy for GNSS based on local tide effects for PPP and GNSS orbit determinations;
  • Deriving the relation between LSET measurements and models with seismic and volcanic events occurring in or close to the used GNSS receiver stations;
  • Based upon the derived relation analyse and describe possible potential for forecast and assessment of the risk of geologic hazards.

The project is being coordinated by DIAN S.r.l. and will last for 15 months.


Prime: DIAN (IT) Partners: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography RIGTC (CZ), Sapienza Università di Roma (IT).

June 2020


DIAN signs the grant agreement with the European Commission for the new R&D Project BorderUAS and On June 2020, took place the Kick Off Meeting of the project. The project is a Research & Innovation Action and will combine, for the fist time, a multi-role lighter-than-air (LTA) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) with an ultra-high-resolution multi-sensor surveillance payload supporting border surveillance, in EU's external border areas. The sensor payload will include synthetic aperture radar (SAR), laser detection and ranging (LADAR), shortwave/longwave infrared (SWIR/LWIR) and acoustic cameras for direct target detection, as well as optical and hyperspectral cameras.

The project will use the ground-based infrastructure of border police units, innovative data models (to identify illegal crossing patterns and preferred routes) and advanced audio/video analytics and storage. The technology concepts will be validated in the field by 6 border police units (Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus) covering 3 major illegal migration routes into Europe (Eastern Mediterranean, Western Balkan and Eastern Borders Routes), which represent 58% of all illegal border crossings detected and are also the most used for smuggling of drugs, weapons and stolen vehicles. In BorderUAS, DIAN SRL will be in charge of all activities related to SAR sensors and will be responsable to develop and test an L-Band MIMO SAR to be installed on an airship for persistent observations and the processing of radar data in both L and Ku bands. DIAN will contribute to the integration and fusion of sensorics (SAR) inside of System Specification & Architecture, collaborate to perform the UAV qualification test flights and partecipate to field trials in support to the other partners. DIAN will also contribute to the tasks Communication, Dissemination & Ecosystem Development and Exploitation & Scale-Up. The project is being coordinated by Vicomtech and will last for 36 months. BorderUAS is funded by the European Commission with a total amount of about 7 Million Euro.


Coordinator: Vicomtech (ES) Partners: Hipersfera (HR), AVT (HR), DIAN (IT), DIRACS (SER), Additess (CY), TUC (GR) , IMP(SER), SIMAVI (RO), KEMEA (GR), Hellenic Police (GR), CDBP of Bulgaria (BG), IPTFT (RO), IGPF MAI (MD), SBGS of Ukraine (UKR), SBC of Belarus (BLR), Interakcia (BLR), MITLA (MT), FORTH (GR).

Would you like to know more? https://borderuas.eu/

January 2018


DIAN partecipates to the project GEOSUBER, which aims to creating vital cork forests in Portugal with satellite and GIS data. Cork oak forests are losing vitality in some regions of Portugal, causing problems for the foresters and the national forestry services. To address these tree mortality issues, the local forest landowners private association decided to start working in an Operational Group to make a mobile tool that can assess in real time what the vitality of a tree is, based on objective information like climate and leaf change.

DIAN partecipa al progetto GEOSUBER, che mira a contribuire all'identificazione e alla diagnosi delle condizioni di stress nella quercia da sughero, utilizzando tecnologie di telerilevamento di prossimità e avanzate tecniche di analisi dati spaziali per monitorare lo stato di vitalità dell'albero. DIAN partecipa al progetto GEOSUBER, che mira a contribuire all'identificazione e alla diagnosi delle condizioni di stress nella quercia da sughero, utilizzando tecnologie di telerilevamento di prossimità e avanzate tecniche di analisi dati spaziali per monitorare lo stato di vitalità dell'albero.